"What is Westover?": The Lantern


My capstone project for my high school's Women in Science and Engineering program. I drew on the intersection between my background in art and engineering to come up with a "token" that represents my school. This project was partly influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic, where all the students were learning virtually, isolated across countries. 

My idea

Westover is an all-girl's boarding school with a rich history founded in 1909. We had many age-old traditions, especially involving these candle lanterns. During the pandemic, our community was separated across the U.S. but also across countries and different timezones. I wanted to design a project that captured the essence of Westover and create a token that reminds everyone of our community: the Lantern. 


"Lanterns are a symbol of Westover. Every spring faculty and students participate in one of the oldest and most beautiful of the Westover traditions: the Lantern Ceremony. After the Lantern Ceremony, The Lantern appears in everyone’s mailbox. This magazine is a collection of the best student poems and artworks of the year. "

3-D Modeling with TinkerCad

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